For decades technology companies have been using the Technical Readiness Level (TRL) index, developed by NASA in the 1970s, to assess and communicate how far their technologies are along the scale towards system launch and operations. Startup founders need to start applying the same approach to assess their commercial development, because most founders are surprised by how long commercialization takes and how difficult it can be. Thus the need for a Commercial Readiness Level (CRL) equivalent.
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Many of us have heard the lamentations of the entertainment and advertising industries as they try to cope with the new age of entertainment. In the old days the entire family would gather around the TV at a specific time on Sunday night and watch the Ed Sullivan Show or something similar, with all its commercials, then talk about the show at work or school the next day. But today the industry must deal with video streaming, binge-watching, live tweeting, PVR ad skipping, and ad blockers. The audience watches the programs at different times, so it is difficult to create a buzz.
But that is not the only industry that has changed with the advent of new technologies. Many dimensions of management in all industries have changed as well -- but the changes have crept up on us because there is no single industry group to point it out. Think about management in the days of the Ed Sullivan show. The boss would call a weekly, in-person meeting of all the staff. Someone would take notes of the action items and share it via a memo or email. Staff members would sort out details with individual meetings in offices or hallways. And the boss' work would get done.
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