How much time do you waste scheduling a global conference call—figuring out time zones, daylight savings, and more? As I said in my blog post Let’s Talk at 6 on 3/4, there is much confusion about international times and dates. In addition, once Elon Musk gets people to Mars, what time is it there?
If we are going to create a universal time, we must eliminate time zones, am versus pm, and daylight savings time. No one seems to like daylight savings anyway. While we are at it, let’s move to Metric Time. This is in fact an old idea that Joseph Louis Lagrange proposed back in 1794 when France adopted the metric units for distance, temperature, volume, etc.
The concept is to divide the day into ten hours, each hour into one hundred minutes, and each minute into one thousand seconds. With this system, second-graders will not have to spend weeks calculating how many minutes there are between 11:25 am and 1:37 pm.
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