Commercial Readiness Level (CRL) for Startups

For decades technology companies have been using the Technical Readiness Level (TRL) index, developed by NASA in the 1970s, to assess and communicate how far their technologies are along the scale towards system launch and operations. Startup founders need to start applying the same approach to assess their commercial development, because most founders are surprised by how long commercialization takes and how difficult it can be. Thus the need for a Commercial Readiness Level (CRL) equivalent.

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Startups Must Focus Their Initial Use Case

As a founder of a hardware or software platform with potential applications across many markets, it’s natural to want to showcase your solution’s broad capabilities to investors, customers, partners, and distributors. The cumulative opportunity is indeed massive. However, to successfully raise money and execute effectively, you need to focus on a single use case.

To capture attention during your pitch, you must identify a clear target market and a compelling pain point that your solution addresses. This is most persuasive when built around one type of customer and related pain points, demonstrating your deep understanding of their specific needs. If you try to cover too many use cases, your pitch risks sounding overly broad and generic.

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Stop Losing Vital Information in the Email Sinkhole

Stop Losing Vital Information in the Email Sinkhole

It is critical that management choose the right collaborative communication tools for the organization. The right selection can set up effective workflows and reinforce the right culture. Collaboration tools can make a big difference in how well the business scales up. It is up to leadership to make the choices, with the input of staff, and then reinforce best practices.

Much can go wrong if a company defaults to using just email. How often have you seen the following? A senior executive asks the management team an important question such as: What are the 4th-quarter milestones we promised the Board? What are the product-return policies we established?

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Distributor Partnerships: How to Win Them and Make Them Work

More startups are using established distributors as an important marketing channel.  This can be a win for both sides. Established companies often want to add more to the basket of what they sell to their customers to increase revenues as well as deepen customer relationships. And they are more willing these days to include goods and services from startups, often because it helps them appear innovative. Startups want access to lots of customers and to minimize their sales and marketing expenses, and are happy to yield the wholesale margin to a distribution partner. 

A further bonus is those distribution partners might invest in or acquire the startup once the new product becomes a hit. Many established companies have established venture funds in recent years. Many know they need to source much of their innovation from the outside. 

Building effective distribution partnerships is a combination of marketing and sales skills. Companies that consider distribution partners as like a commissioned salesperson, sometimes referred to as “coin operated”, rarely succeed. Instead it is vital that companies consider both how to sell-to (making it worthwhile for the distribution partner) and how to sell-through (showing partners how to sell to their customers).

Success comes from pitching the deal well to the optimum distribution partners, negotiating the best agreement, then putting in the time and effort to make the partnership a success. 

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Running Effective Startup Board Meetings

You are a startup CEO, you have raised some seed capital, now you have a board, and you have your first meeting coming up. That is good news for you, your business, and your investors. It may seem daunting and extra work on top of everything else you have to do.

I hope you will come to see having a board as a good thing, because you will:

  • Get to step back from the day-to-day challenges and have a clear view of your opportunities and challenges

  • Benefit from the perspective of experienced people who know different parts of the business, care about results, and have a fiduciary responsibility to your shareholders

  • Take care of important details such as board resolutions, cash flow statements, cap tables, etc. now, rather than later when investors may require them and you forgot important items

  • Get help laying out the most important milestones and projects

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Create High-Impact Marketing Materials by First Writing a Marketing Brief

Too many people set up a meeting with a prospective customer or distribution partner, then immediately start to create a PowerPoint (or equivalent) presentation for the event. In many cases they will adapt an earlier version so they can reuse slides and get it done faster. Even though they may feel they are making progress and can check the work off as done, they might be missing an opportunity to really get their message across. In this case Haste Makes Waste.

A PowerPoint, to take one example, might be the least effective way to make the sale. This next meeting might be a one-on-one in an office, rather than the large conference room you created the deck for. This meeting might be at a different stage in the selling cycle, with a buyer who has different questions on her mind. This meeting might be with a company that wants to include other team members in the post-meeting discussion, who might not understand the key messages in a presentation deck. Lots of things may go wrong.

The best approach is first to write a Marketing Brief (sometimes called a Creative Brief), get agreement from your team that it is on-target, and only then create the marketing materials. When you agree on the marketing brief, you can assess the resulting marketing materials by how well they deliver on the brief versus judging them by whether you or anyone else “likes” it. A well-written brief can help the entire team judge the marketing materials objectively.

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Increase Revenues by Applying Basic Pricing Principles

One of the most challenging areas for startups, especially business-to-business companies, is how to price their products or services. Everyone wants to win some early revenues to show investors, but no one wants to leave (too much) money on the table. There is no magic formula for pricing. I have though discovered some principles that can guide the process.

  1. No pricing strategy completely survives the first contact with enterprise customers. There will always be surprises. Price has to make sense to both sides. It is usually best practice to take the winding path to arriving at a price, rather than putting a price on the table right up front. It can help to do trial closes with different pricing elements, such as asking “if we did this deal do you have a view on what quantity you would purchase in the first year?” or “does your organization prefer to do long-term contracts with ceilings for annual price increases, or do you prefer to renegotiate annual contracts?”

  2. Pricing involves much more than the dollar amount the customer pays. Unlike for consumer goods enterprise sales usually have many more variables to work with, including: volumes, minimum quantities, annual price escalations, level of service provided, customization, integration, payment terms, quality or performance guarantees, and many more.

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Making a Successful Angel-Round Pitch

You have a great new business idea, you have built the minimal viable product (MVP), you have some initial revenues -- and now you want to raise some angel funding. What do you do next? Before you reach out and apply to every angel group in town, consider the following.

1. Determine how much you need to raise and the milestones you will hit

Founders “sell” milestones to investors and leave it to investors to ask themselves two questions: 1. Will this team hit these milestones with this amount of capital raised? 2. If they hit the milestones will they be attractive to the next round of investors?

Be cautious about how much money you ask for in this round. Ask for only enough to prove the next level of market and product traction, building in a bit of a contingency. If you shoot too high you may have to score with multiple angel groups, spend the next six months fundraising, and risking having to return the money if you do not complete the round.

2. Create your elevator pitch

Write a 30 second pitch that you could deliver in a ride in the elevator, with no props. Try it out on people and refine it until it is just right. This pitch could be your outline for your pitch deck, which avoids the common problem of including slides in a deck just because the writer already had some great graphics

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"Let’s Talk at 6 on 3/4"

I am dismayed to see the communications difficulties when growth companies start to do business internationally, then fail to be specific about dates and times. How many times have you seen an email subject like “Let’s talk at 6 on 3/4” exchanged between the New York and London locations, and wondered: 6am or 6pm? Whose timezone? March 4th or April 3rd?

This happens even when many of the employees are worldly themselves, but have fallen into the shortcuts for their countries. Too few Americans seem to know, for example, that everyone else in the world writes day/month, rather than month/day, or uses the international date format of year-month-day. The problems often get ironed out when one or the other sends along an Outlook or Google calendar invitation, so long as both parties have their location and time zone settings set properly.

Just the same there is often misunderstanding while setting up the meeting. It would be so easy to minimize this problem if everyone followed three simple rules:

  1. Use am or pm with a time (6am or 6pm), or write in 24-hour clock format (6:00 or 18:00)

  2. Specify which time zone

  3. Agree to use international date format (year-month-day) or spell out the month name (Mar 4).

Happy meeting. I will withhold my rant about the superiority of the metric system for another time and place.

Creating the Best Freemium Model

Many subscription services attempt to build their business by offering a Freemium Model, which means offering a free service to basic users while hoping a good share of users will upgrade to a premium plan and start paying for the service. The keys to success for this model are to maximize the conversion rate of customers who will pay, while keeping the free version attractive enough for customers to sample the service.

Companies experience a wide range of conversion rates, from Spotify’s amazing 27% to a more typical range of 1% to 4%. The conversion rate is a big driver of profitability, and finding a way to move from 1% to 2% is doubling the success.

The key is to design the model into the product rather than making it an afterthought. Think hard about how you will give your free users a great experience while educating and tantalizing them about what more they could get by paying the premium.

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So You Raised Your Angel Round, Now What?

Founders can rightfully celebrate when they successfully raise their angel round of investment. But now the tough work begins to take the company to the next stage. As an investor my advice for startup founders includes the following:

1. Lay in a plan to hit your key milestones & metrics.

You likely made promises to your angel investors for targets such as number of customers, revenues, profitability, product functionality, key hires, or filing for patents. Meeting or beating those milestones will be critical to raising your next round of funding, because investors will judge the company’s progress against those metrics and promises. Lay out specific plans for the metrics and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) you will track and why, and the actions you will take to ensure you meet those milestones. Use whatever project management tools will work for you -- whiteboard, paper, or online tools. Be prepared at any moment to describe to investors your plan and your progress (good and bad) against it.  

2. Put effective governance in place.

Most post-angel startups would be wise to put a strong board of directors in place to help guide the company. There should be at least one outside director who wi

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Practice Pitches -- Much More Than Delivery

You have a great new business idea, you have built the minimal viable product (MVP), you have some initial revenues -- and now you want to raise some angel funding. What do you do next? Before you reach out and apply to every angel group in town, consider the following.

1. Determine how much you need to raise and the milestones you will hit

Founders “sell” milestones to investors and leave it to investors to ask themselves two questions: 1. Will this team hit these milestones with this amount of capital raised? 2. If they hit the milestones will they be attractive to the next round of investors?

Be cautious about how much money you ask for in this round. Ask for only enough to prove the next level of market and product traction, building in a bit of a contingency. If you shoot too high you may have to score with multiple angel groups, spend the next six months fundraising, and risking having to return the money if you do not complete the round.

2. Create your elevator pitch

Write a 30 second pitch that you could deliver in a ride in the elevator, with no props. Try it out on people and refine it until it is just right. This pitch could be your outline for your pitch deck, which avoids the common problem of including slides in a deck just because the writer already had some great graphics

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Management Communication in Our New Workplace

Management Communication in Our New Workplace

Many of us have heard the lamentations of the entertainment and advertising industries as they try to cope with the new age of entertainment. In the old days the entire family would gather around the TV at a specific time on Sunday night and watch the Ed Sullivan Show or something similar, with all its commercials, then talk about the show at work or school the next day. But today the industry must deal with video streaming, binge-watching, live tweeting, PVR ad skipping, and ad blockers. The audience watches the programs at different times, so it is difficult to create a buzz.

But that is not the only industry that has changed with the advent of new technologies. Many dimensions of management in all industries have changed as well -- but the changes have crept up on us because there is no single industry group to point it out. Think about management in the days of the Ed Sullivan show. The boss would call a weekly, in-person meeting of all the staff. Someone would take notes of the action items and share it via a memo or email. Staff members would sort out details with individual meetings in offices or hallways. And the boss' work would get done.

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Towards Needs-Based Segmentation

Most companies try to segment their markets, and most do it badly. So many work for months to create a "universal" segmentation scheme, only to make things worse. Here is a better way to think about segmentation.

First segment customers differently than prospects. It makes sense to segment customers based on factors such as 1) total revenue for the account, 2) higher versus lower price plans, 4) products purchased, 4) potential revenue growth, and 5) length of time as a customer. These factors may reflect the different needs or value of customers. These types of segmentation can help the customer service team discriminate by the level of service -- phone versus email-only support, phone center hours, phone wait times, etc. Segmentation for prospects should help target the right messages at the right buyers, so separate prospects based on needs. Prospect segmentation can also help define which marketing channels to apply to which targets, which is more a measure of the revenue potential.

When thinking of needs-based segmentation, this article and video from Clay Christensen offers great advice. He calls his talk "Milkshake Marketing", and poses the question "for what task does the customer want to 'hire' the product or service"? This approach requires some fundamental thinking about the role of products, and goes way beyond traditional demographic analysis. It can lead to new insights about customer needs, and can target messages more accurately.

At the same time, marketeers must ensure their segmentation schemes are actionable. This may run counter to some of the Milkshake Marketing insights. But in the end segmentation needs to drive action programs, or else it is purely an intellectual exercise.

Strategy Statements - Avoid Getting Wrapped Around the Axle

Just about every company goes through a process of creating their vision, mission, and strategy statements. Start-ups especially must do this to attract investment or document their latest pivot. Sometimes the companies hire consultants. Sometimes they arrange a one- or two-day offsite meeting with senior management. Sometimes the CEO hands the strategy down to management.

Most of the time though companies end up with a big PowerPoint deck that contains many $100 buzzwords, describes their role in tectonic industry trends, but fails to come to a point. The leaders celebrate the completion of the document; they present it to management and staff; and everyone continues doing what they were already doing before the exercise.

Keep in mind that planning is important despite these misadventures. Dwight D. Eisenhower said: "In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable." So by all means plan.

Here are my top seven guidelines for writing effective planning documents.

  1. Write a Strategic Intent Instead. Avoid the pointless discussions about what elements fit in the vision, objectives, goals, mission, values, or strategy documents. Write a single document that includes them all -- from where the company wants to go to how it plans to get there. Call it a Strategic Intent document.
  2. Keep it Short. Several good blog posts on the topic, including Forget the Strategy PowerPoint and The Art of Crafting a 15-Word Strategy Statement make a strong case for fitting the planning document on one piece of paper. That forces clarity and conciseness. And it is easier for the staff to understand.
  3. Make Choices. The reader should understand what the company will and will not do. Be specific about the success measures, target markets, time frames, technology platforms, make-versus-buy-versus-partner choices, and go-to-market channels.
  4. Solve Problems for Target Customers. The best strategies meet market needs, rather than describe actions in a vacuum. Meeting a market need requires specifying a target customer, a use case, some need or pain point, and how the company plans to meet the need. Otherwise, what makes the company unique?
  5. Specify Action. Passive voice kills strategy statements. Something important just magically happens? Good strategies describe clear action programs. 
  6. Leave the Tag Lines for Don Draper. Having an "elevator pitch" is helpful, especially if it ties in consistently and logically with the whole strategy. But a strategy is not the place to create the catchy, 2- to 3-word catch phrase. That is for the ad agency or the marketing types, once everyone agrees on the overall strategy.
  7. Plan for Phases. Just as Generals say "no battle plan survives the first shot being fired", strategists say "strategy ends when the team takes the first action, and the rest is tactics". Strategies should contain big dreams as well as near-term plans. Think big and act small. No one can predict the market or competitive conditions for phase 3, so there is no need to be highly specific about the strategy for that phase.


Create Demand for Your New Category

I often get pulled in to marketing discussions about whether to lead with brand or with category. We usually go round and round, and never resolve it. 

However, the book Origin of Brands puts this argument to rest and provides great advice around building a brand. The authors are Ries and Ries, the senior of which co-wrote the seminal marketing book Positioning.

Their premise is that brands (like species, thus the title homage to Darwin) are constantly splitting. For example, about 70 years ago computers were a single category. Now we refer to desktops versus tablets, and 7" tablets versus 9" tablets. Every sizable category may split if there is customer demand. 

As a result the authors recommend that marketers build their brands in the following way:

  1. Name and create your new sub-category. Identify a sub-category that meets a need better than the original, broad category. 7-up did this when creating the "un-cola" sub-category for people who want a soft drink but not a cola. And Google did this by creating the 7" tablet sub-category, for people who want the tablet format of an iPad, but in a size that fits in the hand.
  2. Promote your category. The authors recommend using PR rather than advertising for this. But I am confident they would recommend Social Media as well today, with the advent of Twitter, Facebook, and Google+. The key is to get the audience to want to buy they new sub-category. The authors use the example that a TV viewer goes into the kitchen to get a light beer, not a Coors Lite; they select the category they want, then grab the brand that best fulfills it.
  3. Deliver on the promise as the best product or service in that category. Be the best company at delivering on all the customer expectations for your category. Make sure you are number 1 in reality as well as perception, and you never let that slip. 

By so doing, companies can win the "top rung" on the positioning ladder -- the core theme of Positioning. Owning the top rung of a substantial new sub-category is far more profitable than being an also-ran within a larger-but-established category. Some would argue that a new product should be 10X better or cheaper than the current options, or else there is no reason to launch it.

I believe this lays out an effective blueprint for marketing. Many of the examples in the book address consumer marketing, but I find the approach applies equally to business marketing. 

This approach also gives a real purpose to the use of social media. Many companies today lack focus for what they want to do with social media. Engage with customers? Promote their features? Share funny cat videos? The primary role of social media should be to create demand for the sub-category, rather than pump out the equivalent of product brochures on Facebook. That is why so many marketeers today embrace the idea of content marketing, which delivers value to the audience. 

What sub-categories have you created? Are you creating demand for your new sub-categories?